Regarding COVID-19 We are stronger!
Our community has been through a lot over the past few months and all of us are looking forward to resuming our daily routines. While many things have changed, our commitment to your health and safety remains the same.
We anticipate our studio reopening on June 1st. We will be renewing appointments based on previous scheduling. If you had an appointment that was canceled during this temporary closure, you will receive a call or email to reschedule. Our new schedule will accommodate for social distancing and disinfection.
Please do not come in if you are experiencing any symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) or have been exposed to someone infected with COVID-19 and have not self-quarantined for 14 days. We are suspending our 24 hour notice of cancellation policy to alleviate concern of cancellation fees.
Here are some changes we have made:
We will initially schedule private appointments that will be managed to allow for social distancing.
Our staff will follow social distancing guidelines.
We have purchased face masks, face shields and disposable gloves.
You will be asked to use the provided hand sanitizer.
Upon entering the studio, we will take your temperature using a touch-less forehead scan.
We have always disinfected each piece of equipment after each session. We will additionally disinfect throughout the day.
Exercise and sound nutritional support are vital to good health and immunity to infection. Please continue with in-home training and prioritize your proteins and produce.
Please feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns. Thank you for being our client. We value your trust and loyalty and look forward to welcoming you back to our studio.
In health,
Joseph, Daphne and Staff / Pilates Athletic Center

Pilates Athletic Center
A Pilates studio focused on fitness, sports training and injury prevention and recovery.
“At this studio, all levels and talents, sizes and shapes are welcome.”
— Debbie Brookfield, client for 10 years
“Joseph, Daphne and the team at the Pilates Athletic Center are consummate professionals with both years of experience training Pilates, but also major credentials in the health care professions beyond their Pilates training.”
— Ward Ashman